ATV Poker Ride
Second weekend in June
$1000 Prize!
Join us for our annual ATV Poker Run!
Riders will traverse the beautiful Elkhorn Mountain Range, through both private and public land, and will be approximately 75-100 miles.

Registration and check in will begin at 8 a.m. at the Broadwater County Fairgrounds, or you can pre-register starting the beginning of May. Start time is 9 a.m. Check points MUST be in place prior to start, so no early start times will be allowed.
Only street legal four-wheelers and side-by-sides are permitted. No dirt bikes, motorcycles, trucks or Jeeps.
- Start and ent point at Townsend Fair Grounds
- Doors open at 7:30am, ride starts at 9am
- All must return or be in line no later than 4pm
- limeted to 350 vehicles, register online to secure your spot
More details to come, stay tuned and mark your calendars!
Pre-register online
$20 for pre-registration per vehicle
$20 per poker hand (no limit).
All proceeds go to local first responders.
Poker hands must be purchased in-person.
You may also register at the event $30 per vehicle.